Our Vision
(Who we are)
We are a diverse community of believers actively seeking Christ, loving all people, and joining God's pioneering work to transform our world.
Our Mission
(Why we are here)
We are calling all generations to be full devoted followers of Christ.
Our Values
(What matters to us)
In the face of culture and tradition, the Bible, the inerrant Word of God, is our standard. (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Joshua 1:8)
We begin and finish with prayer for all needs at all times. We trust God for the results. (John 16:24, John 15:7, Matthew 6:9-13)
We are all in. (Matthew 22:37, Matthew 6:33)
We see others through God’s eyes always seasoning every relationship with grace, truth and love. (1 John 3:18, John 1:17)
In the face of adversity, we choose unity by refusing to gossip, honoring one another and pursuing forgiveness and reconciliation. (Ephesians 4:3, Proverbs 11:13, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19, Colossians 3:13)
We live to give not to get. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
We give our best. Always. (Colossians 3:23-24, 2 PETER 1:5-8) -
We engage in God’s work in our family, church, community and world. (Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:19-20)
Our History
In a letter written on January 29, 1943, Mrs. Ella Fenn Fletcher recalls her version of the organization of this church as follows:
"First Baptist Tahoka was organized in the summer of 1902 at the home of W.T. Fenn 10 miles north of where Tahoka now stands. It was organized by Dr. Pharr with seven charter members. They were Dr. Pharr, his wife, and two daughters; Mrs. J.H. Lea, Mrs. W.T. Fenn, and Ella Fenn; Dr. Pharr, pastor, and Ella Fenn, church clerk. The Church met in the Fenn home unltil Lynn county was organized and Tahoka was built, when the church met in a tent, later in the courthouse until their building was erected. Bro. Ira Parrack was called as pastor following Dr. Pharr."
Today, First Baptist Tahoka serves Tahoka and Lynn County through spiritual development, family and faith formation, and community outreach while calling all generations to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.